How to catch a scary cat
Sometimes we try to grab a cat, and suddenly it catches us, either with its claws or more often, with the nails of its hind legs. Do you know why this happens? Most of the time it is because we have caught it in an inadequate way, and he has felt insecure, and trying to get away from us, he has scratched our skin. So that this does not happen to you, we are going to tell you how to catch a cat correctly.

How to catch a scary cat correctly
To grab a cat properly, secure one of your hands securely under your thorax and place your other hand under its hind legs. In case you do not know much about the cat you want to catch, or that you do not have a close relationship with it, it is convenient that you first approach it gradually and appropriately, taking a few minutes if necessary to be sure that cat trusts you.
To do this, place your hand near your nose, and let it smell you. Then you can gently caress her forehead for a few moments and also her chin. Then you can caress the top of your back from the head towards the tail, and observe how it reacts. If it stays in its place quietly and allows you to caress it or even purr, it’s a good sign that it accepts you, and you can proceed to grab it
In reality, there is no one way to catch or carry a cat, but you should always make it feel safe. For this, some tricks are:
not to take the cat “flying” in the air, but to bring it towards your body and hit the cat to your chest, so that it serves as a support. That feeling is not unpleasant for them, on the contrary, it makes them feel safe.
You can place one of your hands under your front legs so that you feel more secure.
You can load your cat on your shoulder, in the so-called “pirate position”, since this posture loves some cats. To do this, place the part of the head of your cat facing your back, hold its bum firmly with your hands, and give support to the front of your shoulder. This position is very good for catching or carrying cats with whom you previously have confidence since if you do it with an unknown cat, it could try to run away and hurt your shoulder with its claws.
Keep in mind that it is important to make a cat feel safe in your arms. Cats are very small animals in relation to us, and they are also very cautious and therefore, quite scary, so if they feel fear or insecurity, they will try to escape and in doing so they can hurt you with their nails without wanting to.
Most times when a person is scratched while carrying a cat in their arms, it is not due to an animal attack, but the cat has been afraid of the unstable form in which we are taking it and therefore tries to hold on with your nails to our arm or chest, and obviously, it hurts us. So grabbing a cat properly, not only will make your cat feel better, but this will result in physical security for you, because it will not try to escape from your arms or hold on to you with your nails out of fear, with the consequent risk of hurting you.
To finish, we want to tell you how not to grab your cat to avoid hurting him and of course also to minimize the risks of scratching you when trying to break free.
Inappropriate ways to catch a cat are:
Grab it by a leg or by the tail, this can cause an injury to your cat, or cause it to stir to bite you because you are causing pain.
Grab him by the ears and the most common mistake, grab it by the armpits
Sometimes this gesture (grab a cat by the armpits and take it from one side to another) comes naturally because it is the way we raise children. The child raises his arms, we grab him by the armpits and we raise him towards us, to carry him.
But remember that the body of cats is not like that of children, and that is why we can not take them in arms in the same way. If we grab a cat by the armpits and pull it to lift it in the air, besides that you can hurt it because of its appearance, you will have a good chance of trying to escape from you because he will not feel good in that position little safe for him.